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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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jeff and i think china is located in asia
Jeff and I think China is located in Asia.
every year on february 14, we celebrate valentine's day
Every year in February 14, we celebrate Valentine's Day.
i can speak spanish, but i can't speak german
I can speak Spanish, but I can't speak German.
peru is located in south america
Peru is located in South America.
the united states has big cities like california and chicago
The United States has big cities like California and Chicago.
in europe, countries are smaller than in north america
In Europe, countries are smaller than in North America.
the nile river is in africa
The Nile River is in Africa.
justin and karen want to go to parker lake for a swim on saturday
Justin and Karen want to go to Parker Lake for a swim on Saturday.
george washington was our first president
George Washington was our first president.
daniel likes to surf in the pacific ocean
Daniel likes to surf in the Pacific Ocean.
kevin has to cut the grass every saturday and sunday
Kevin has to cut the grass every Saturday and Sunday.
ali can speak english, arabic, and french
Ali can speak English, Arabic, and French.
joe biden is our new president
Joe Biden is our new president.
sam first met pam while camping in tampa, florida
Sam first met Pam while camping in Tampa, Florida.
on monday, we have art with mrs. brown
On Monday, we have art with Mr. Brown.
the train will stop in atlanta, denville, and brooklyn
The train will stop in Atlanta, Denville, and Brooklyn.
lesly planned a christmas party at lakeview school this december
Lesly planned a Christmas party at Lakeview School this December.
the new school year will begin in august or september.
The new school year will begin in August or September.
nicole likes pepsi, but alex likes coke.
Nicole likes Pepsi, but Alex likes Coke.
can we go to six flags for halloween on saturday
Can we go to Six Flags for Halloween on Saturday.
we are going to new york in june.
We are going to New York in June.