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Past tenses - Unit 5A

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The player _____________ a yellow card because he _____________ his shirt. GET, TAKE OFF
GOT (past simple), HAD TAKEN OFF / TOOK OFF (past perfect / past simple)
They _____________ play tennis because they _____________ a court. NOT ABLE TO, NOT BOOK
WEREN'T ABLE TO (past simple), HADN'T BOOKED (past perfect)
We _____________ use the ski slope because it _____________enough. NOT CAN, NOT SNOW
COULDN'T (past simple), HADN'T SNOWED (past perfect)
Some of the players _____________ while the coach _____________ to them. NOT LISTEN, TALK
WEREN'T LISTENING (past continuous), WAS TALKING (past continuous)
The police _____________ her on the motorway because she _____________ a seat belt. STOP, NOT WEAR
STOPPED (past simple), WASN'T WEARING (past continuous)
I _____________ her at first because she _____________ so much. NOT RECOGNIZE, CHANGE
DIDN'T RECOGNIZE (past simple), HAD CHANGED (past perfect)
The crowd _____________ when the referee _____________ the final whistle. CHEER, BLOW
CHEERED (past simple), BLEW (past simple)
The accident _____________ when they _____________ home. HAPPEN, DRIVE
HAPPENED (past simple), WERE DRIVING (past continuous)
The marathon runner ____________ when she ____________ the finish line. SWEAT, CROSS
WAS SWEATING (past continuous), CROSSED (past simple)