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How did Maria sign off her letter?
Maria signed off her letter with "Yours faithfully".
What was the purpose of Maria's letter?
The purpose of Maria's letter was to complain about the Vita-Hair products and the misleading advertisement.
How did Maria address the recipient of the letter?
Maria addressed the recipient as "Sir/Madam".
How did Maria describe the Vita-Hair shampoo in comparison to other shampoos she has used?
Maria described the Vita-Hair shampoo as the worst shampoo she has ever tried.
According to the advertisement, what kind of hair did Vita-Hair promise to give?
The advertisement promised that Vita-Hair would give shiny, healthy hair.
Did Maria notice any difference in the thickness of her hair after using Vita-Hair?
No, Maria didn't notice any difference in the thickness of her hair.
From which city is Maria writing her complaint?
How does Maria conclude her letter?
By requesting a response from the company regarding their proposed action.
What tone does Maria use in her letter?
Assertive and disappointed
What action does Maria request from the company?
She requests a refund.
What motivated Maria to purchase the product despite her misgivings?
The product was on offer for a limited time.
How does Maria feel about the advertisement for Vita-Hair?
She feels it is misleading.
What did Maria find when she checked the list of ingredients on the bottles?
She found several chemicals listed.
What does the advertisement claim about the ingredients in Vita-Hair?
It claims there are only natural oils in the shampoo and conditioner.
What did Maria's family and friends say about her hair after using Vita-Hair?
Her hair looked dull and lifeless and she looked ill.
How does Maria describe the effect of Vita-Hair on her hair's shine and healthiness?
She says her hair has become dull and lifeless.
What is Maria's experience with the product's claim of making hair fuller and thicker?
She hasn't noticed any difference in the thickness of her hair.
How long has Maria been using Vita-Hair?
Three months
According to Maria, what claim does the advertisement make about the product?
Fuller thicker hair after one use.
What product is Maria complaining about?
Vita-Hair shampoo and conditioner
What is the name of the company being complained to?
Revitalise Hair & Beauty Products
Who is the sender of the letter?
Maria Brydon