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A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does M.Y.O.B. stand for?
Mind Your Own Beeswax
Make Your Own Bed
Mind Your Own Business
Make Your Own Breakfast
According to Rule #3, is it a "NOW" problem or "NOT NOW"problem when someone takes your pencil?
"NOT NOW" problem
"NOW" problem
If the problem involves you...
be a problem solver
start a fight
ignore it
run around in circles
What’s the number one rule of tattling?
Be a Danger Ranger
Tattle all the time
Get payback
Who did it seem was the Tattle Prince?
Mr. Cool
Prof. Romero-Ivanova
Mr. Warm
Mr. Smith
What happened when Josh's tongue turned back to normal?
All of the above
Pieces of yellow and purple glitter went away.
His friends played with him again
He never tattled again
Who cured Josh’s case of the tattle tongue?
Tattle Prince
Mr. Cool
Tattle Queen
Max the Tattle Dog
What did the Tattle Prince say the difference between warning and tattling is?
A joke
What was Josh trying to tattle on Billy the Bully for?
Threatening to beat up Edith
Taking his lunch money
Calling people names
Being a distraction in class
What is NOT a symptom of tattle tongue?
tongue falls out
tongue gets longer
tongue turns yellow
tongue gets purple spots
What words does Josh's mom use to describe what will happen?
Itchy Itchy
Patchy Patchy
Squishy Squishy
Switchy Switchy
Who told Josh he would get Tattle Tongue
His mom
Mr. Cool
Max the dog
What did Josh tattle on his dog Max for?
Chewing up the rug
Being muddy in the house
Barking in the house
Chewing up a slipper
What is the nickname everyone gave Josh?
Josh the Tattler
Tattle Tale
Tattle Tongue
Josh the fibber
The main character is _____
Joshua Jacob Jones
Mr. Cool
Billy the Bully