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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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......Smoky Mountains are rather popular among tourists
.......United kingdom of Great Britain is also called ........UK
the /the
........Everest is ..........highest mountain in ......world
- /the/the
love swimming in ____ Mediterranean.
I went sailing around _____ Lake Geneva.
They studied the geology of ____ Sahara Desert.
They live near ____ Thames.
I think ____ Cornwall is a very beautiful part of England.
They crossed _____ Black Sea by boat.
... tourists come to the city in the summer
Many people are frightened of ... spiders
We saw ... eagle when we were in Egypt
What do you do? - I'm ... IT developper.
I always look at ..Moon in ... evening
the; the
It's in .. north west of England
... Pacific is bigger than .. Atlantic, isn't it?
The; the
....Thames is ... most well-known river in... London.
The, the; -
You are ____ best friend anyone could have!
____ Nile is ___ longest river in ____ Africa.
The, the, -
____ Chinese is ___ very difficult language.
- / a
I want to go to ____ university in New York next year.
a / -
____ Mount Olympus is ____ highest mountain in ____ Greece.
-, the, -
___ Gobi Desert is in ____ Asia.
The, -
_____ Maths is my favourite subject at ____ school.
-, -
Some people don’t have breakfast in ____ mornings.
I’m tired, so I think I will go to ____ bed.
Today is _____ very cold day.
This is ____ very good advice.