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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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7) I like grapes and carrots but not on my hamburger with French fries.
6) The princess rode the Ferris Wheel but she screamed when she was nervous.
5) Our garage had a parrot eating macaroni in it.
4) Oliver took my camera to capture a boring camel and a horrible, scary monster.
3) The purple Kangaroo was playing marbles and wearing a red shirt.
1) My brother cries when he sees green broccoli.
7) The score was taken by a older man with long hair.
5) Behind the door was a deer sitting in a chair eating pears out of a jar.
4) The treasure turned out to be a lavender car.
3) My pet hamster was found by the flowers in my neighbor’s yard.
2) I took a picture of a spider next to a feather.
1) The lobster we had for dinner had too much pepper.
The rocket was running out of fuel but Rodger took care of it.
I really like the ravioli from the new Italian restaurant.
Tie the ribbon around the rhino named Rosie.
The rectangle book I’m reading is about the Rocky Mountains.
The robot was rusty because it rode into the river.
Ralph listens to rock-n-roll while he paints a raccoon holding a rose.
It is not responsible to have a pet rattlesnake.
Ryan was eating raisins and radishes while watching the rugby game.
You should recycle that tennis racket or give it to a runner.
I saw a rainbow while I was listening to the radio in my rowboat