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gmf 4 unit 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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conditional: raining-> go bowling +
If it's raining, we can go bowling
conditional: dry->have a barbecue +
If it's dry, we can have a barbecue
conditional: wet->have a barbecue -
If it's wet, we can't have a barbecue
conditional: windy->go windsurfing +
If it's windy, we can go windsurfing
conditional: raining->have a picnic -
If it's raining, we can't have a picnic
conditional: sunny->have a picnic +
If it's sunny, we can have a picnic
urządzić grilla
have a barbecue
jeździć na rowerze górskim
ride a mountain bike
jeździć konno
go horse riding
grać w tenisa stołowego
play table tennis
uprawiać windsurfing
go windsurfing
zrobić ciasto
make a cake
wybrać się na wędrówkę
go hiking
iśc na zakupy
go shopping
zorganizować piknik
have a picnic
zjeśc lizaka lodowego
have an ice lolly
iśc na kręgle
go bowling
go sailing