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Talking about the past, Ready For Advanced C1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the mistake: She was about sitting down when she noticed the chair was broken.
sitting > to sit
Correct the mistake: You did nothing but complain since we've been here.
did > have done
Correct the mistake: I wish you didn't give him my phone number - he phoned me three times yesterday!
didn't give > hadn't given
Correct the mistake: I'd like to stay in London longer, but we had to get back for Candice's wedding.
stay > have stayed
Correct the mistake: It wasn't the first time she was catching him taking money from her purse.
was catching > had caught
Correct the mistake: It's a long time since we don't see each other.
don't see > saw / have seen
Correct the mistake: This must be about the tenth time I eat in this restaurant.
eat > have eaten
Correct the mistake: I know him since we were at school together.
know > have known
Correct the mistake: The service was terrible; when our dessert arrived, Paul still ate his starter!
still ate > was (still) eating
Correct the mistake: I have met some very interesting people on my holiday last year.
without "have"
Correct the mistake: We would have a parrot, but he flew away one day when I was cleaning his cage.
would > used to
I ... on the bus, so ... I my stop and ... walk 5 km back to the campsite. (read / miss / have to)
was reading / missed / was walking
My sister ... already ... out to the rock by the time I ... into the water. (swim / step)
had already swum / stepped
I ... home, but the signal in the hostel ... hopeless. (going to + skype / be)
was going to skype / was
By the time the plane actually ..., we ... on the runway for an hour. (take off / wait)
took off / had been waiting
We ... along the beach when suddenly a huge wave ... over the rocks. (walk / crash)
were walking / crashed
The player ... a yellow card because he ... his shirt after scoring a goal. (get, take off)
got, had taken off
They ... play tennis because they ... a court. (not able to, not book)
weren't able to / hadn't booked
We ... use the ski slope because it ... enough. (not can, not snow)
couldn't / hadn't snowed
Some of the players ... while the coach ... to them. (not listen, talked)
weren't listening / was talking
The police ... my sister on the motorway because she ... a seat belt. (stop, not wear)
stopped / wasn't wearing
I ... Jane at first because she ... so much. (not recognize, change)
didn't recognize / had changed
The crowd ... when the referee the ... final whistle. (cheer, blow)
cheered / blew
The accident ... when they ... home. (happen, drive)
happened / were driving