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Thanksgiving for Emily Ann Comprehension

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was on the placemats that Emily Ann made?
Turkey's with top hats
What was Emily Ann's sister doing in her room instead of playing with Emily Ann?
Painting her nails
What did the sign on Emily Ann's brother's bedroom door say?
No girls allowed.
Does Emily Ann have a dog or a cat?
Who was cuddling Henry?
Name one family member that was at Emily Ann's house?
Uncle Mark, little Ruth, Cousins Austin and Julie, Great Grandma, Henry
What did Emily Ann realize when she saw all of her family gathered for Thanksgiving?
That all of the other things she was sad about weren't important.
What did Emily Ann say when she finally sat down for Thanksgiving dinner?
"I'm thankful."
What did Emily Ann see on the dinner table in the dining room?
Place mats she had made.
What did Emily Ann's mom think she was doing when she saw her reaching for the turkey?
She thought she wanted to help
Who saw her reaching for the plate with the turkey on it?
Her mom
What was the funny trick she was trying to play in the kitchen?
She was going to hide the turkey.
In the middle of the book, Emily Ann chose not to be thankful and instead be a bit.....
Everyone was so busy, there was no time for .....
Where did Emily Ann have to sleep since Grandpa was in town?
on the floor
Emily Ann's sister was a ........
Emily Ann's brother was.....
On Thanksgiving day, Emily Ann was not very .........