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Turkey Trouble Comprehension

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When Turkey dressed up as a pig, what color was his nose?
When Turkey dressed up as a cow, what did he have strapped to the top of his head?
A paintbrush
In the end, what did Turkey dream about opening?
Turkey's Pizza Farm
Why was it Turkey's best Thanksgiving ever?
Because he didn't get eaten for Thanksgiving dinner
What did Farmer Jake and his family eat for Thanksgiving dinner?
What was Turkey's final costume?
Pizza delivery man
What was one vegetable in the garden?
Peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes
Where was Turkey when he came up with his final idea/costume?
In the garden
What did Farmer Jake and his wife say they could eat instead of Turkey on Thanksgiving?
a rooster
How did Rooster know it was Turkey and not a sheep?
Too brown he said
What was the fourth animal Turkey dressed up as?
A sheep
How did Sheep know that it was Turkey and not a pig?
Too clean he said
What was the third animal Turkey dressed up as?
A pig
What was the farmer's name?
Farmer Jake
How did Pig know that it was Turkey and not a cow?
Too skinny he said
What was the second animal Turkey dressed up as?
a cow
How did cow know that it was Turkey and not a horse?
Too short he said
What was the first animal Turkey dressed up as?
a horse
In the beginning, why was Turkey in bad trouble?
It was almost Thanksgiving and he's the main course.