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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much/ How many televisions are there in your home?
How many
How much/ How many money do you spend on DVDs and video games each month?
How much
How much/ How many text messages do you send each day?
How many
How much/ How many time do you spend watching TV each day?
How much
How much/ How many films do you see at the cinema each month?
How many
I went to London with a few/ a little friends.
a few
I only speak a few/ a little French.
a little
Please spend a few/ a little time tidying your room.
a little
There are a few/ a little good cafes in our town.
a few
I bought a few/ a little CDs on Saturday.
a few
I only want a few/ a little water. I'm not very thirsty.
a little
I saw Harry a few/ a little hours ago.
a few
There weren't some/ any special effects in the film.
Is there some/ any ice on the road?
We haven't got some/ any bread. Can you buy some?
Some/ Any people play video games everyday.
Have you got some/ any pets?
There are some/ any fruit trees in our garden.
I've got some/ any homework to solve this evening.