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Speaking Time 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. Do you know a special animal? 2. What is it and what's their name? 3. what do they enjoy doing? 4. What do they eat? 5. Why is it special for you?
1. How can we get to your house? 2. Is is easy or hard to explain? 3. Would it be easier if we had a ...?
1. What animals are the cutest? 2. Where can you see this animal? 3. What do you like about them? 4. What are their babies called? 5. What about the ugliest animals?
1. What is very important to you? 2. What would you do without it? 3. How would you feel?
1. Where is a special place that you sometimes go to? 2. Who do you go there with? 3. What do you usually do there? 4. How long do you stay there?
1. What food or drink do you like making? 2. What ingredients do you need? 3. What do you do first? 4. And after that? 5. What is the last step? 6. How does it taste?
1. What country would you like to visit in the future? 2. Where is it located? 3. What is the population of this country? 4. What is the capital city? 5. What are some famous places there?
1. What do you use your computer/Ipad/phone to? 2. What is easy with your computer? 3. What else do you do on your computer?
1. Where do you like to be when the weather is cold? 2. What do you do there? 3. And where do you like to be when the weather is warm? 4. What do you do there?
1. What sport do you know how to play? 2. How many players do you need? 3. What else do you need? 4. What do you have to do? 5. What can't you do?