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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are their comics?
Their comics are in their bedroom.
How many comics do Mark and his brother have got?
They have got 100 comics.
Why do Mark and his brother like reading comics?
Because they're very funny.
What do Mark and his brother collect?
They collect comics.
How old is Mark?
He is 9 years old.
Where Emily wears the badges?
She wears the badges on her jackets, bags, and hats.
Where are Emily's badges?
They're on a scarf on her bedroom wall.
How many badges does Emily have got?
She has got 50 badges.
What does Emily collect?
She collects badges.
How old is Emily?
She is 10 years old.
Where are Tony's stickers?
They're in a special book.
How many stickers does Tony have got?
He has got 60 stickers
What does Tony collect?
He collects football stickers
How old is Tony?
He is 9 years old.