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Triple Digit Addition Word Problems

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The lunch lady prepares 312 pizza lunches and 439 mac and cheese lunches. How many lunches do the lunch ladies prepare?
There are 212 first graders and 190 second graders. How man 1st and 2nd graders are there?
Ms. Colton has 425 seashells. She finds 143 more seashells. How many seashells does Ms. Colton now have?
My family picked 462 strawberries and 285 blueberries. How many strawberries and blueberries did my family pick?
One pet store has 289 angel fish. Another pet store has 132 angel fish. How many angel fish do the stores have all together?
A mail carrier delivered 430 letters last month. He delivered 850 letters in last month and this month all together. How many letters did her deliver this month?
A reptile park has 249 different kinds of lizards, and 372 different varieties of snakes. How many kinds of reptiles does the reptile park have in all?
The Soccer Club raised $286 on Monday during their Fall Fundraiser. They raised another $363 selling t-shirts at their game on Friday. How much money did the Soccer Club raise altogether?
A garden has 145 gardenias and 207 petunias. How many flowers does the garden have in all?
An animal farm has 463 sheep and 345 cows. How many animals do they have in all?
Jacob has 439 cat stickers. He gets 112 from Cora. How many cat stickers does Jacob have now?
Daniel has read 341 minutes in January and 219 minutes in February. How much has Daniel read?
Lyric wants to drive to Colorado. It'll take 542 minutes to get there and 542 minute to come back. How many minutes does it take for Lyric to drive to and from Colorado?
Dante sleeps for 712 minutes on Monday and 528 minutes on Tuesday. How many minutes did Dante sleep both Monday and Tuesday?
Brooklyn and Jasmin want to make friendship bracelets. Brooklyn has 423 beads and Jasmin has 589 beads. How many beads do they have in total?
Emma K. practices Taekwondo twice a week for 345 minutes. How many minutes does she spend practicing Taekwondo?
Cam and Easton both have 346 drawings. How many drawings do they have combined?
Jack spent 312 minutes in the car driving to Disneyland on Tuesday and 142 minutes on Wednesday. How many minutes did he spend in the car?
Emma G. has 320 stuffed animals. Haizley has 189. How many stuffed animals do they have together?
Kamille played 423 minutes on the piano in January and 174 minutes in February. How many total minutes did Kamille play the piano?
Cooper had 629 pencils. Luka gave him 362 pencils. How many pencils does Cooper have now?
Livvy drew 136 flowers and Fernanda added 142 flowers. How many flowers did they draw all together?
Posey made 382 cupcakes chocolate cupcakes and 231 vanilla cupcakes. How many cupcakes did Posey make all together?
Ty had 438 pieces of candy. Monroe had 215 pieces of candy. How much candy did they have altogether?