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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should you do if you are being bullied?
report the bully
Which role of cyberbullying is described here: someone aware of cyberbullying and trying to break the cycle
Which role of cyberbullying is described here: someone aware of cyberbullying but not intervening
Cyberbullying is especially harmful due to specific characteristics: Which of these is because it can't be easily seen or overheard by teachers and parents.
Cyberbullying is especially harmful due to specific characteristics: Which of these is because it contributes to the digital footprint of the victim and the bully.
Cyberbullying is especially harmful due to specific characteristics: Which of these is because devices have constant communication with no respite for victims.
Victims of Cyberbullying often experience all but which of these ?
financial strain
The use of electronic communication to harass, intimidate, or threaten a person or group of people is called ?
Which of these is not considered an impacted area due to cyber attacks?
Which of these is not considered to be part of the Internet of Things:
The network of devices with the ability to connect and exchange data is known as ?
The internet of things
Measures taken to guard against spying or destructive actions is the meaning of ?
Relating to computers or computer networks is the meaning of ?
Coding and Computer Science are considered to be the New ?
Which of these is a secured site?
What does CIA stand for?
confidentially integrity availability
Security experts that hack systems professionally (and legally) are known as:
white hats
A programmer that breaks into someone else's computer system without permission is called a ?
A piece of malware that holds your computer hostage until something is done is called ?
A software program that monitors your computer usage without your knowledge:
What does PuP stand for?
potentially unwanted programs
Using general knowledge of human behavior to trick users into breaking security rules is known as ?
Social Engineering
A collection of remotely controlled bots that launch attacks are called:
Bot Network
What is the term for a low-talent hacker who uses easy, well-known techniques to exploit Internet security vulnerabilities.
A standalone malware program that copies itself across computer networks is called a _____________?
A piece of code that copies itself is called a ____________________.
A fix applied to a program which are known to solve security issues and are routinely released by programmers is called a _________________.
Security patch
A flaw in a computer program that makes it vulnerable is called a ___________?
Security Hole
What is the generic term for a piece of malicious code?
What is the term for a "Citizen of Cyberspace".