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I have blades that chop through the air to keep me flying high; I am not an airplane, but you'll see me in the sky.
I'm a type of cat, but not the kind that's tame. I'm orange with black stripes; Asia's my domain.
You can hit a nail with me, but be careful how you aim; If you miss and hit your thumb, you will be in pain.
I raise crops and animals and live out on a farm; I keep my horses and tractor too in my big, red barn.
Up and down she strokes, careful not to drip; Back and forth she wipes with the brushes tip.
I am quite convenient when it comes to sitting down; I'm more comfortable than sitting on the ground.
This is who you see when you're not at your best; You'll be given a prescription and told to get your rest.
You can play me with your fingers, or maybe with a pick; I can rest high in your lap and play any music.
In baseball I'm how may bases you run; I'm two plus two or three plus one!
I'm hot and I can spread so fast, much quicker than the eye; That's why it's always best to keep extinguishers nearby!
I wear a big, black cape and can turn into a bat; My teeth are sharp like fangs; You'll notice if we chat.
It's usually itsy bitsy and sits within a web; It waits for bugs to fly into its silky thread.
She is someone that gives you hugs and lots of kisses too; She makes you eat your vegetables because she cares for you.
I'm curly or I'm straight; I'm short or I'm long. I'm black, brown, or gray, white, red, or blonde.
My tail is broad and flat; My teeth in front are big. I'm known for building dams by chewing bark and twigs.
I'm little, and I twinkle above the world so high; I sparkle like a diamond way up in the sky.
I sound like I'm a double, but really I am not; I'm a fruit that's larger at the bottom and smaller at the top.
I'm a panda or a polar; You can see me at the zoo. My fur is brown, black, or white, but never is it blue.
I used to live on earth before, but now I am extinct. I really was so great and big; I scared cavemen I think.
I'm a large, scaly reptile safe in a zoo to see. But if in shallow water, stay away from me.
It's something that smells sweet that bees fly all around; It's something that's so pretty, people pluck it from the ground.
I can be a coupe; I can be a sedan, a sporty convertible, or a mini van.
I'm soft and very light, I can float through the air; I'm mostly the reason why birds can fly from here to there.
I'm not a button or a snap, but I'm similar to those; Sometimes I am seen on purses, but mostly I'm on clothes.