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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____________________, I wouldn't read this comic having such an interesting novel on my nightstand.
____________________, they use pens and paper but today they were allowed to type their articles on a computer.
In general
-"We should go to the headteacher and explain the situation". -"I _______________"
______________________, the letter she wrote was perfect. She should have been admitted.
From my point of view
He has to leave very early and comes back late, he can't have lunch at home.... ____________________________, eventhough the job is interesting, it's not a long-term solution for him.
So all in all
Helen went all the way to Canada to meet this man... ________________________, when she arrived he told her he was busy so she had to wait a week to finally meet him !
What's more
__________________________, his question wasn't stupid maybe just out of context.
From my point of view
_____________________, I don't think prisoners can be treated this way.
To be honest
____________________________, He became a very nice and well-educated man in spite of having a very difficult childhood. (conclude)
To sum up
Internet access has been growing exponentially across the country. ________________, , the growth in rural areas is much slower.
_____________________, I don't think going to new Zealand for a week is eco-responsible.
__________________________, Charles would be the best worker to do this job.
In my opinion
This device is the best. ______________, it allows you to text, call, send emails, etc.
For example
They didn't find any proof of illegal activity.  _________, they couldn't access the police files.
You need to find a more user-friendly name ____ people can access it more quickly.
______a lot has been done, we still need to continue working hard.
The price of oil has gone down ____the increase in production.
because of