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Unit 3- Active/Passive Voice; Countries/National ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is "Rakousko" in English? What is the nationality and language spoken here?"
Austria; Austrian; German
What is "Maďarsko" in English? What is the nationality and language spoken here?"
Hungary; Hungarian
Fix the mistake in this PASSIVE sentence: It is say that dogs are the best pets ever.
It is said
Fix the mistake in this PASSIVE sentence: "The men was arrested for looting."
The man was arrested OR The men were arrested
Change from Passive to Active: The house was destroyed by the flood.
The flood destroyed the house.
Change from Passive to Active: "The house is cleaned by the maid.""
The maid cleans the house.
Change from Active to Passive: "Construction workers build houses."
Houses are built by construction workers
Change from Active to Passive: "My brother broke my phone."
My phone was broken by my brother.
Some beans _____________ (present tense, leave) outside to dry in the sun for a few days.
are left
Coffee _______________ (present tense, make) from the beans of the coffee plant.
is made
Coffee Houses ______________ (past tense, see) as “Schools of the Wise.”
were seen
Soon, many cups of coffee ____________ (past tense, drink) across the land.
were drunk
Active or Passive? "All the students take care of the pet rabbit, Snowball."
Active or Passive? "Elizabeth swam every day last summer."
Active or Passive?: "My sister's baseball game was cancelled because of the rain."