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Junior 4 - Revision - There was/were + Past Simp ...
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Answer the question: What was your favourite video game two years ago?
Answer the question: Where were your parents two days ago at 12 in the afternoon?
Answer the question: Where were you last weekend?
Complete with was/were: ______ Amy at school yesterday?
Complete with was/were: Mum and Dad _____ at a Chinese restaurant last night.
Complete with wasn’t/weren’t: Sally ______ at the opera last week.
Answer the question: Where were you at 3 o’clock yesterday?
Complete with there wasn’t/weren’t: ___________ any monkeys at the zoo two weeks ago.
There weren't
Complete with there was/were: _________ two silver cars in front of my house yesterday
There were
Complete with wasn’t/weren’t: Josh ______ punctual yesterday morning.
Complete with there was/were: ________ one greengrocer’s in my town 10 years ago.
There was
Answer the question: Where were you last Sunday?
Complete with wasn’t/weren’t: I ______ at a party on Sunday.
Complete with there was/were: Two years ago ________ three supermarkets near my house.
there were
Complete with was/were: ______ they at the cinema on Saturday?
Answer the question: Where were you at 5 o’clock yesterday?
Complete with wasn’t/weren’t: Mark and Amy ______ late for class last week.
Complete with was/were: Jesse ______ at home last night.
Complete with there wasn’t/weren’t: _____________ a red car in front of the school two days ago.
There wasn't
Complete with there was/were: ________ many people in the park yesterday?
Were there