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Name the Photo (Earth Science)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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All of earth's landforms are found on what layer of the earth?
Using the destructive process this u-shaped valley was formed by a ________.
An opening in the earth's crust through which lava, ash, and gases escape.
The landform is created by the constant battering of the waves.
sea cave
This landform is formed when the "ceiling" of a sea arch is eroded by waves.
sea stack
This landform is formed when waves erode both sides of a headland.
sea arch
A landform created from the deposition of sediment at the mouth of a river
Using the constructive process, this landform is created from the deposition of sand in large hill-like structures. The wind causes these structures to constantly change.
sand dune
This slow-moving river of ice deposits sediment when it melts.
This landform is a made by a destructive process. This steep-walled landform was created by a river.
This landform is formed by a destructive process and can either be v-shaped or u-shaped according to how it was formed.
Formed by the constructive process, this landform rises 1,000 feet or more from earth's surface.
A tool that measures the size of seismic waves, which are energy waves caused by earthquakes
Scientists use data from radar, satellite images, and maps to predict where floods are most likely to occur. This helps people prepare.
flood forecast
A structure built in paved areas that allows rainwater to drain of of streets and parking lots
storm drain
A structure built or naturally formed along the sides of a river that raises the riverbank, which makes flooding less likely
A structure built across a waterway to control the amount of water on either side and prevents flooding
Planting crops along the natural curves of the land, which prevents rainwater from washing sediment from the field
contour plowing
Carving flat areas into steep hillsides so that crops can grow; prevents gravity and rain from pulling the soil and sediment down the hill
Planting trees around the perimeter of a field of crops to block wind and reduce erosion
Adding plants to exposed sand or dirt to prevent erosion
Adding sand to an eroded beach; also called beach nourishment
beach reclamation
A structure built at a right angle from the beach into the ocean, meant to prevent sand from eroding too far down the beach
sea groin
A structure built between a beach and a community to prevent erosion
sea wall