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Mt Everest

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are some emotions Erik felt during the journey?
Happy, proud, brave, scared, nervous
How long did it take Erik to reach the top of Mt Everest?
About two and a half months
How did the cross over gaps in the snow?
They used a ladder
What year did Erik climb the Mt Everest?
What did the people at basecamp share with the team during the journey?
Weather conditions
How did they keep in touch with people staying at basecamp?
Walkie Talkies
What did Erik's team use to help guide him?
What is altitude sickness?
Feeling dizzy and sick from lack of oxygen
Why did some people not make it to the top?
Because they were sick
Did all of the team make it to the top of the mountain?
How many people were on Eriks team?
How many times did they return to base camp?
Why did they have to return to base camp?
Because it was taking too long to reach the next camp
What is the top of the mountain called?
Peak or Summit
Who helps people climb the mountain?
Who climbed Mt Everest blindly?
Erik Weihenmayer
What is the best time to climb Mt Everest?
How tall is Mt Everest?
29,032 feet
Where is Mt Everest located?
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Mt Everest