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Skeletal system

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Which joint is in the shoulder?
Ball and socket
What do we call a joint that allows rotation from side to side?
Pivot joint
What do we call a joint that moves back and forth?
Hinge Joint
Which type of joint allow circular movement?
Ball and socket
An example of a joint that doesn't allow movement
Skull joint
What do we call the place where two or more bones meet?
What is the job of ligaments?
Ligaments connect bones at joints.
What is the job of cartilage?
Cartilage cushions the ends of bones and forms flexible parts such as your ears and nose.
What is the job of bones?
Support the body. 2- Protect the internal body parts. (like the ribs and skull) 3-Attached to muscles to allow movement.
What forms your skeletal system?
1- Bones. 2- Cartilage. 3- ligaments.