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Kitchen Safety & Sanitation

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you safely pick up broken glass?
Answers will vary
What is the one item that should never be placed on a grease fire?
How do you properly extinguish a grease fire?
Answers will vary
How do you properly defrost meats without the use of a microwave?
Answers will vary
Roast or Steaks need to be prepared until what internal temperature?
Any type of Ground Beef needs to be prepared until what internal temperature?
Poultry products need to be cooked until what internal temperature?
Hepatitis A is found in what type of food products?
Seafood found in contaminated waters
Hepatitis A impacts what part of the body?
Trichinosis is found in what type of food products?
Undercooked Pork Products
When washing your hands how long does the CDC recommend you wash your hands for?
20 seconds
E.Coli stems from what main source?
Fecal Bacteria
This dating method applies to foods that have been pre-made in the store
Pack Date
What dating methods applies to foods that can no longer be sold to consumers by a store
Sell/Pull Date
Which dating method applies to the last date a food item can/should be eaten
Expiration Date
Name two of the groups most susceptible to food borne illness.
Infants, elderly or individuals with a weakened immune system.
Can you refreeze foods once they have been defrosted?
When using a cutting board, steer clear of ____ cutting boards because they can retain bacteria
What shelf in the fridge should you place defrosting food
Always ensure that knives are ______ when working with them in the kitchen.
The safest way to defrost food is to....
Place in a container in the refrigerator
Staphylococcus is spread to food by
Food Handlers
Heating up liquids just below the boiling point to kill the bacteria
What is one spoilage sign for meat and/or poultry?
Smell, discoloration, slimy
Name two spoilage signs for fruits and veggies
Bruises, dents, fruit flies, mushy consistency, discoloration
E. Coli can be found in what type of food items (name 2)
Unwashed fruits & veggies, unpasteurized milks/ciders, contaminated meats
How can you prevent Salmonella?
Answers will vary
Botulism is found in what type of food items?
Canned or Jarred Food Items
What types of food items might you find Clostridium Perfringens in?
Buffet food items
Danger Zone Temperature Range
What is Cross Contamination?
When bacteria is spread from one item/food source to another that did not contain that bacteria.