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Big Shark's Halloween Mystery comprehension

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Why did it turn out to be Chomp's best Halloween ever?
He got lots of yummy treats and made a new friend too.
What did Chomp's mom put on Fangy's head?
a green seashell
What color was Fangy's nose for his costume?
What was Fangy's costume for Halloween?
a silly clown
So why were all the little fish so scared?
They were scared when they saw Fangy because he didn't smile and wave.
What did Chomp's mother do when she saw Fangy?
Jumped up in fright.
What did Chomp teach Fangy how to do before they met Chomp's mom?
Smile and wave so he doesn't scare the little fish.
Chomp said that he and Fangy could do what together?
Go trick or treating.
Why did Fangy leave his home in the book?
He wanted to go trick or treating because it's Halloween.
Why has Chomp never seen Fangy before?
Because he lives in the deepest part of the ocean where there's no sunlight and he doesn't typically leave home.
What is the fang tooth's name?
Where were the loggerhead sea turtles?
in the sunken ship
What was the mystery, what was Chomp trying to find out?
Why the second group of fish he saw were so scared.
Did the second group of fish he saw smile and wave at him?
Were the first group of fish that Chomp saw (angelfish) scared of him?
What was the Moray eel's name?
Chomp's mother said to do what 2 things so that the little fish will know he's friendly?
wave and smile
What did Chomp's mother tell him before he left to go trick or treating?
"Don't frighten the little fish."
What did Chomp dress up as for Halloween?
a pirate
What is Big Shark's name (the main charachter)?