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Adverbs of Frequency

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We speak English in English classes. (always)
We always speak English in English classes.
you/ watch/ TV program// often/ when/ you/ what/ did/ child/ a/ were?
What program did you often watch when you were a child?
presents/ you/ what/ often/ do/ your friends/ give?
What presents do your friends often give you? What presents do you often give your friends?
what/ often/ you/ pick/ lucky number/ as/ your/ do?
What do you often pick as your lucky number?
do/ nickname/ what/ your friends/ call you/ often?
What nickname do your friends often call you?
you/ often/ restaurant/ do/ What/ go to?
What restaurant do you often go to?
Sam goes out with his friends. (occasionally)
Sam occasionally goes out with his friends.
I’m late for school in the morning. (rarely)
I’m rarely late for school in the morning.
your / does / mother / to / gym / ? / usually / go / the.
Does your mother usually go to the gym?
do / ? / how / go / school / often / you / to.
How often do you go to school?
in / television / I / evening / always / the / watch.
I always watch TV in the evening.
listen / afternoon / I / music / to / the / in / sometimes
I sometimes listen to the music in the afternoon.
in / often / go / pool / I / the / morning / to / the
I often go to the pool in the morning.
at / o’clock / usually / breakfast / have / I / nine
I usually have breakfast at nine o'clock.
get / I / early / on / never / Saturdays / up.
I never get up early on Saturdays.
you / out / how / in / do / evenings / often / go / the / ?
How often do you go out in the evenings?
late / is / she / sometimes
She is sometimes late.
go / you / restaurant / often / a / do / how / to / ?
How often do you go to the restaurant?
Billy and his brother have dinner with their family. (always)
Billy and his brother always have dinner with their family.
The children watch TV after school. (always)
The children always watch TV after school.
Does the dog sleep in the afternoon? (sometimes)
Does the dog sometimes sleep in the afternoon?
Henry goes to bed late. (hardly ever)
Henry hardly ever goes to bed late.
We don’t travel during the summer holidays. (usually)
We don't usually travel during the summer holiday.
Do you go to the theatre? (often)
Do you often go to the theatre?
She is at home in the evening. (never)
She is never at home in the evening.