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Must/ Mustn't/ Needn't/ Don't have to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jason __________ early because he's got a doctor’s appointment at 8 in the morning.
has to get up/ come
you ________ your mobile with you so that I can call you.
must take/ have
We ________ exams at the end of our final year at school
have to take
you ___________ your grandparents more often. you know how much they enjoy talking to you.
must phone/visit/see
Sue really ___________ eating so many sweets it's bad for her teeth.
must stop
In Britain, we _______ on the left.
must drive
We __________ eat at the new Chinese restaurant in town. I've heard it's really good.
At school, we __________ a white shirt and a blue sweater.
must wear
We ________ waste any more time.
When you're driving, you ________ stop if someone steps onto the pedestrian crossing
In most Arab countries, you _______ eat with your left hand. You should use your right hand.
You _________ go to the check-in desk if you have checked in online.
needn't/ don't have to
Students ______ turn off lam mobile's during lessons or the teacher will take them away
You _______ take off your shoes if they are clean
needn't/ don't have to
You must/mustn't eat that bread. It's a week old!
You must/mustn't go near the edge of the cliff. It's very dangerous
In football, you must/ mustn’t touch the ball with your hand.
I must/mustn't leave before 8:30 or I'll be late for school.
You must/ musn't finish your breakfast or you'll be hungry later.