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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The manager ___________ see you right now because he's in a meeting.
I'm feeling a bit worse. ____________ you ___________ contact the doctor yet?
Have ... been able to (QUESTION - PRESENT PERFECT)
I'm very sorry, but we _____________ go to your wedding next month. We'll be on holiday.
won't be able to (NEGATIVE - FUTURE SIMPLE)
Fortunately, firefighters ___________ rescue all of the people trapped inside the burning house.
were able to (PAST SIMPLE)
I'm going to France next week, but I don't speak French. I hate ___________ communicate with people.
not being able to (NEGATIVE - GERUND)
You need ____________ swim before you can go in a canoe.
to be able to (INFINITIVE)
We're having a party next Saturday. ___________ you __________ come?
Will ... be able to (QUESTION - FUTURE SIMPLE)
I ____________ leave home when I get a job.
will / 'll be able to (FUTURE SIMPLE)
I don't like noisy bars. I like _____________ have a conversation without shouting.
being able to / to be able to (GERUND / INFINITIVE)
Her mobile has been switched off all morning, so I _____________ talk to her yet.
haven't been able to (PRESENT PERFECT)