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An area where organisms interact with one another as well as with the non-living parts of the environment is called...
How do we show feeding relationships in a food chain or web?
Using arrows.
Is a food chain part of a food web?
Yes, it is.
What does a food chain show?
Feeding relationships in a habitat or ecosystem.
What is the food produced by plants called?
Sugar or glucose.
What do plants release in the photosynthesis?
What elements does the plant need for the process of photosynthesis?
Sun light, carbon dioxide and water and minerals from the soil.
What do we call the process by which plants produce their own food?
Is a snake a primary consumer?
No, it isn't.
What do we call animals that only eat plants?
Primary consumers.
What type of consumers are humans considered?
Dominant consumers.
Are humans considered apex predators?
No, they aren't.
Which trophic level do apex predators occupy? (Trophic level: position in the food chain)
They are at the TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN.
It's an animal that is not eaten or hunted by other animals.
In which form do we receive the ENERGY from the Sun?
What is a CONSUMER?
It's an animal that eats a producer or other animals.
Why are green plants called PRODUCERS?
Because they make their own food.