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[ECHS] Primary 2 - Unit 6 (Present Simple & Verb ...

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Grey save the day.
Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Grey saves the day.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
Kay wants to stop the train.
Kay want to stop the train.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
The train driver makes a mistake.
The train driver make a mistake.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
An ape drives the train.
An ape drive the train.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
Kay pulls the brake.
Kay pull the brake.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
Kay misses her stop.
Kay miss her stop.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
Mr. and Mrs. Grey miss their stop.
Mr. and Mrs. Grey misses their stop.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
Kay feels sad.
Kay feel sad.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
The train comes late.
The train come late.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
The train runs so fast.
The train run so fast.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
Kay is on her way to holiday.
Kay are on her way to holiday.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Grey are ready for their holiday.
Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Grey is ready for their holiday.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
Kay is at the railway station.
Kay are at the railway station.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
Mr. and Mrs. Grey are worried.
Mr. and Mrs. Grey is worried.
Which one is the correct present tense sentence?
The train is late.
The train are late.