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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Football is the most entertaining sport to watch
Agree or Disagree
There is intelligent life outside of Earth
Agree or Disagree
Social media is actually making us less social
Agree or Disagree
Adidas is the best athletic brand
Agree or Disagree
Halloween is the best holiday
Agree or Disagree
McDonalds fries are better than Burger Kings
Agree or Disagree
Casa Bauducco is better than Starbucks
Agree or Disagree
Christmas music should be played all year
Agree or Disagree
Pepsi is better than Coke
Agree or Disagree
Android phones are better than iPhones
Agree or Disagree
Water has a taste
Agree or Disagree
Pineapple belongs on pizza
Agree or Disagree
Crocs are a must-have footwear item
Agree or Disagree
Prime Video is better than Netflix
Agree or Disagree
Italian food is better than Mexican food
Agree or Disagree
Apple Music is better than Spotify
Agree or Disagree
Instagram is better than TikTok
Agree or Disagree
Cats make better companions than dogs
Agree or Disagree
Summer is the worst season
Agree or Disagree
ASMR videos are not relaxing (autonomous sensory meridian response)
Agree or Disagree
The Olympics should happen every year
Agree or Disagree
A hot dog is a sandwich
Agree or Disagree
The youngest child is always the favorite
Agree or Disagree?