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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Introduce yourself with the information on this card.
"He works for a ____________ company"
"We have a lot of _______________ clients these days"
"We export to a lot of ______________ companies"
"I'm _________________"
"I work for a _______________ company"
South African
How many people does your company employ?
What products does your company produce?
What services does your company provide?
"Do you work for an Italian company?"
Yes I do / No I don't. I work for...
Nice meeting you. Goodbye.
"Are you ________?"
"Are you from _______?"
"Hello, my name's John Howard."
"How do you spell your name?"
Introduce yourself – your name, job, nationality
Hello, I'm Zack / I'm a Logistics Manager and I'm Canadian.
Ask how your partner is
Hello, how do you do? / How are you? / How's it going?
Introduce yourself with the information on this card.
Good morning, my name's Lesley Johnson / I'm a Technical Engineer / I'm based in the UK
Spell your company's name.
Tell your partner about your boss – name, job, nationality
My boss is called... / He/She is the General Manager / He's/She's German
Introduce this person to your partner
EX: Good morning, this is... / do you know...?
Ask your partner: name? job? nationality?
What's your name? / What's your position in the company? / Where are you from?
Introduce your partner to a customer
EX: Hello, nice to see you. This is... / Do you know... ?
Tell your partner about your colleagues - names, jobs, nationalities.
Example: My colleague is called Juan / He's a project manager in a Spanish company / He's Spanish.