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Cause and Effect

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It snowed 10 inches and school canceled. What happened because it snowed 10 inches
School was canceled
It snowed 10 inches and school canceled. Why was school was canceled?
Snowed 10 inches
We were hungry during the movie so we bought popcorn. What did we do because we were hungry?
We bought popcorn
We were hungry during the movie so we bought popcorn. Why did we buy popcorn?
Because we were hungry
We built a snowman after it snowed all day. Why did we build a snowman?
It snowed all day
We built a snowman after it snowed all day. What is the EFFECT of it snowing all day?
We built a snowman
I slipped on the ice and broke my arm. What happened when I slipped on the ice?
I broke my arm
I slipped on the ice and broke my arm. What caused me to break my arm?
I slipped on ice
The football match was cancelled due to the bad weather. What CAUSED the game to be cancelled?
The bad weather
The destruction was caused by the earthquake. What is the EFFECT of the earthquake?
The destruction
They were late due to their car breaking down. What is the EFFECT of the car breaking down?
They were late.
I did not sleep well so I am very tired. What CAUSED me to be tired?
not sleeping
I did not sleep well so I am very tired. What is the EFFECT of me not sleeping?
very tired
They were late due to their car breaking down. What CAUSED them to break down?
Their car breaking down.
They went to a restaurant because they were very hungry. What is the EFFECT of them being hungry?
They went to a restuarant.
They went to a restaurant because they were very hungry. Why did they go to the restaurant?
They were hungry.
The ice cream melted because of the temperature outside. What CAUSED the icecream to melt?
temperature outside
The destruction was caused by the earthquake. What CAUSED the destruction?
The earthquake
The football match was cancelled due to the bad weather. What is the EFFECT of the bad weather?
The football match was cancelled.
What is EFFECT?
The result - the effect of doing something. E.g. I fell down because I was running too fast.
What is CAUSE?
Reason - The reason why something happens/happened. Eg. I fell down because I was running too fast.
The ice cream melted because of the temperature outside. What happenened becuase of the outside temperature?
Ice cream melted