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Semester 1 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She failed _______ the instructions. (follow)
to follow
I prefer ____________ books. (read)
to read; reading
Don't deny _________ my food! (steal)
I would love __________ a puppy for Christmas! (get)
to get
My brother promised ______________________ us to the airport. (take)
to take
I began _________________ English when I was in first grade. (study)
studying; to study
I suggest _________________ the museums while you're in London. (visit)
I enjoy __________________ online games. (play)
1. How did you manage ______________ all the money I gave you? (lose)
to lose
Someone with hair that covers their forehead
bangs; fringe
A person who is ready to give to others, even when it is not necessary.
Another word for "good at" (begins with 'P' or 'A')
Proficient; Adept
You should pick a ___________ that can be easily fixed or doesn't affect your chances of getting the job
If you can speak a language easily and quickly, you are...
Another word for "deal" with stress
A ____________ or CV is a document that you create to tell a company about you
A style of facial hair on a male's chin, but not the cheeks
Someone with very white skin- either naturally or from being sick/scared is...
The little indents that appear on your cheeks when you smile are...
Someone who is NOT honest is...
Someone who is NOT sensitive
A person who is careful to avoid problems or danger
What do you can someone who always wants to find out about something? AND What do you can someone who always wants to find out about something that's none of their business??
Curious; Nosy