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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You walk by your friend's desk and accidentally knock over his water bottle. What might you say?
when you ask permission from your parents like asking for water or permission what word you will use
If you want to ask any question in class, what should you do?
Raise your hand
When two people were talking and you want to ask something, what word you should use?
Excuse Me
When elder is talking to someone on phone and you want to ask something, what word you will use?
Excuse Me
when you want to ask your brother or sister to help you, what word is used
If you want to ask elders something you want, what word you should use?
When mailman or Delivery person bring something to your door, what will you say to them?
Thank You
If your friends or family members buy you a gift, what will you say
Thank you
If an elderly person trying to enter the room after you, what will you do?
Hold the door for them.
When u are playing, if your ball hit someone by mistake. What will you say?
I am Sorry!
If u feel down, your neighbor or friend help you. what will you say to them?
Thank You
what word you will use when u are leaving
Good Bye
How do you greet other before going to bed
Good Night
If someone helped you with direction what should you tell them
Thank You
How you greet anyone in the morning
Good Morning