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3rd grade DIBELS NWF MOY practice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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correct, enormous, fix, soft, absence
chin, artistic, loaded, drew, phone
mouse, southern, cape, enter, arrest
act, ever, about, enough, times
prove, families, tiny, concert, took,
explain, reader, examine, improve, furniture
color, being, promise, repair, mount
leave, great, while, also, outside
community, try, get, list, person
distant, kept, pass, beat, pick
won, pilot, fair, branch, ball
past, done, section, ton, fish
this, going, reading, are, better
terrible, show, written, far, land
ticket, sweat, plane, nation, adopt
snet, shing, kide, scun, trep
hurd, serm, tur, yife, gute
fide, dern, lond, telt, whed
gug, harb, nept, carm, phin
tet, nid, wom, lorm, lerm
wug, sibe, mab, dit, sig
lerm, gug, harn, leb, fup
hin, tet, nid, wom, lorm
carm, phin, gid, sud, nop
fide, durn, lond, telt, nept
het, lan, nem, lig, pim
yig, whed, hurd, serm, tur