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[ECHS] Primary 2 - Unit 6 (The ******* ***** Rev ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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On where does a train run down?
A railway
A road
A body of water
In the air
What did Kay say when the train comes?
Horray! Horray! Horray!
What time does Kay's train finally come?
08.00 in the morning
08.00 in the evening
08.00 in the afternoon
08.00 at night
What do you think happen if Kay's train never comes?
She will never go on a holiday with her grandparents.
Nothing bad will happen.
Her grandparents will send her back to school.
She will find another transportation.
From the picture, how long have Kay and her grandparents wait for their train?
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
5 minutes
Why does not Kay's train come?
It is late.
Why do Kay and her grandparents feel sad?
Their train has not come.
Why do Kay and her grandparents go together?
They are on a holiday
They want to escape something
They want to go to another city
They are bored at home
Where does Kay imagine herself?
In a beach
In a forest
On a mountain
In a city
Kay imagined herself. What do you call the object on top of her head?
Thought bubble
What time did Kay and her grandparents start waiting?
7.30 in the morning
7.30 in the evening
8.30 in the morning
7.30 in the afternoon
Where are they in the picture?
In a railway station
In a bus station
In an airport
In a harbor (ship station)
Who are the old people behind her?
Mr. and Mrs. Grey
Mr. and Mrs. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Prey
Mr. and Mrs. Drey
Who is the little girl?
How many characters are in the story?