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Aquatic Dinosaurs

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It would swing its ______ around to hit and _______ the prey with the ______.
nose, stick, spikes
Where did the Onchopristis live?
It lived mostly in North Africa during the Cretaceous period
Onchopristis was more like a_______ than a _______.
ray, shark
What do you call the Onchopristis's nose?
Anything that swam too close would get ____________ by this scary __________ fish!
snatched up / giant
The Dunkleosteus lived in the ancient seas of Cleveland shale in Northern _________ many millions of years ago during the Late Devonian ______________.
Ohio / time period
It had a big head that was covered in super hard, _______________ all over
bony plates
Scientists have found _____________ in Thalassomedon's stomach. These stones may have helped it _________ its food.
stones / digest
Thalassomedon lived in a sea called the Western Interior ____________ that ____________ North America in two.
Seaway / divided
It had a very long neck made of _____________! It was about 13 meters long from _______________..
62 bones / head to tail
It was better at swimming ________________ than ________________, and it might have been _____________.
up and down / side to side / slow swimmer.
Baby Shonisauruses had teeth, but as they grew bigger they _____________________.
lost their teeth
The Shonisaurus was a _____________ ocean reptile that lived about 200 million years ago during the ____________..
gigantic / Triassic period
The babies came out tail first so they didn't ____________ underwater.
It lived over 200 million years ago during the early _________________.
Jurassic period.
It had a _______________ and lots of sharp teeth to catch fish and squid to eat.
pointy snout
They have found 2 fossils of the Pistosaurus in ______. We don't have as many ________ of the Pistosaurus as we do of plesiosaurs.
The Pistosaurus lived during the Triassic time period. That was between _____________ million years ago!
200 and 250
It was about _________ long. The Pistosaurus looked a little bit like a plesiosaur, but it was not _____________..
3 meters/exactly the same
Fossils have been found in places like ....
France, Czech Republic, England and Bulgaria
It was a _______________marine reptile, growing up to around 1.5 meters long.
medium sized
It had a long snout filled with ....
sharp teeth and lived in the oceans near what is now Europe.
The Aigialosaurus was a marine reptile that lived around ...
85 million years ago during the late Cretaceous period
It swam __________ in the seas, preying on fish, squids, and other __________________.
swiftly, marine creatures
It had a keen sense of _______ and remarkable hunting ____________ in the ancient seas.
smell, abilities
Tylosaurus could grow to be as long as a ____________, making it one of the _______ marine repitles.
school bus, largest
With powerful jaws and sharp _________, it could catch and devour large prey ____________..
teeth, effortlessly
It used its strong tail to _________ itself through the water with great speed and ______.
propel, agility
Mosasaurus was a massive ______________ reptile, ruling the _____________ seas as a fearsome predator.
aquatic, ancient
making it one of the _________________ dinosaurs.