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Good Sportsmanship

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Michael narrated his moves like a superhero during the table tennis match. Is Michael being a good sport?
It's entertaining if it's not interrupting the flow of the game.
Grace brought her stuffed animal as the team mascot for the quiz bowl. Is Grace being a good sport?
It's a cute and innocent way to add cheer, especially if everyone finds it enjoyable.
Leo dressed as a pirate for the school badminton tournament. Is Leo being a good sport?
It's amusing and spirited, suitable for a relaxed game setting.
Sophie told a riddle to her opponent each time they took a turn in checkers. Is Sophie being a good sport?
It's a playful addition as long as it's not disrupting the opponent's focus.
Ethan brought a toy wand and pretended to cast spells in the dodgeball game. Is Ethan being a good sport?
It's imaginative and fun, but he should make sure it doesn't distract others.
Mia drew smiley faces on the volleyball before the game. Is Mia being a good sport?
If done in a spirit of fun and not damaging equipment, it's a creative touch.
Henry pretended to be a robot while playing goalie. Is Henry being a good sport?
It's humorous as long as it doesn't interfere with the game.
Olivia sang a song every time she scored a goal in football. Is Olivia being a good sport?
It's a unique way to express joy, but it's important to ensure it doesn't come off as boastful.
Ryan made funny faces at the camera during the soccer competition. Is Ryan being a good sport?
As long as it doesn't offend anyone or break rules, it's a fun way to lighten the mood.
Lucy wore a clown wig during the school's running race. Is Lucy being a good sport?
Similar to Tommy, if it's for fun and not disrupting, it's a joyful addition.
Jack told jokes to the other team during a chess match. Is Jack being a good sport?
Might be distracting, but if it's friendly and everyone enjoys it, it could be positive.
Emma brought a rubber chicken as her partner for the tennis doubles. Is Emma being a good sport?
If it's part of a fun event and not a serious competition, it could be seen as playful.
Billy did a funny dance every time he missed a shot in basketball. Is Billy being a good sport?
As long as it's not distracting or disrespectful, it shows a light-hearted approach.
Sara laughed when her homemade boat sank in the race. Is Sara being a good sport?
Demonstrates a good attitude in not taking things too seriously.
Tommy wore a superhero cape to play soccer. Is Tommy being a good sport?
If it's all in good fun and doesn't disrupt the game, it can be seen as good-spirited.
Lily celebrates her win by saying nice things about the other team's effort. Is Lily being a good sport?
Yes, she's showing good sportsmanship!
Noah decides to stop trying because his team is far behind in points. Is Noah being a good sport?
No, he's not being a very good sport.
Mia offers to shake hands with the opposing team win or lose. Is Mia being a good sport?
Yes, she's showing good sportsmanship!
Ethan throws his tennis racket on the ground after missing a shot. Is Ethan being a good sport?
No, he's not being a very good sport.
Sophia encourages a teammate who is feeling sad about their performance. Is Sophia being a good sport?
Yes, she's showing good sportsmanship!
Tyler blames his teammates for their loss in the basketball game. Is Tyler being a good sport?
No, he's not being a very good sport.
Ava gives high-fives to both her teammates and the opposing team after the game. Is Ava being a good sport?
Yes, she's showing good sportsmanship!
Jordan refuses to play anymore after not scoring a goal in soccer. Is Jordan being a good sport?
No, she's not being a very good sport.
Emma helps a player from the other team get up after they fall down. Is Emma being a good sport?
Yes, she's showing good sportsmanship!
Chris argues with the referee about a call that didn’t go in her favor. Is Chris being a good sport?
No, she's not being a very good sport.
Maria cheers on her teammates even though they are losing the soccer game. Is Maria being a good sport?
Yes, she's showing good sportsmanship!
Alex gets upset after losing a board game and refuses to shake hands with the winner. Is Alex being a good sport?
No, he's not being a very good sport.
Jamie loses a race but goes over to congratulate the winner with a smile. Is Jamie being a good sport?
Yes, she's showing good sportsmanship!