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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I interesting in cars.
I'm interested in
Every weekend, I go to the coffee with my freinds.
café .... friends
I like play vidoe games.
playing .... video
What's the mitsake in this qeustion?
mistake .... question
My hobby is swiming and pinting.
hobbies … are … swimming …. painting
My home adress is veri easi
address …. very …. easy
I’m interested about coffee.
interested in
My brother have 20 years old and he is a engineeer.
… is 20 years old …. an engineer…
My full name is Abdullah and I’m single.
Where is the full name?
We work from sunday to thursday.
Sunday …. Thursday
I was born in January, 13th.
… on …
The training in SPSP is vere good.
Now, I’m singel but I’ll get married next yaer.
… single ….year
I doesn't like foot ball.
don't ... football
I’m born 2006.
I was born in 2006.
I’M interested in reading about engineering.
I’m ….
I’ll get marreid after i graduate.
…. married …. I …..
I can swimming, Draw and playing football.
… swim, draw and play ….
My Email ahmed@spsp.com
… email is …
I was born in Soudi Arabic.
Saudi Arabia
I’m saudi.
I’m Saudi
My name is ahmed hadi.
Ahmed Hadi
My family is smoll.
My old 20 years.
I’m 20 years old.
I have big family.
I have a big family.