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Parts of the house

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You clean your dirty clothes in this.
a washing machine
A room has four walls, a floor, and ...
a ceiling
You put milk, eggs, and vegetables in it. It keeps food cool and fresh.
In the kitchen you put the glasses and plates in this.
a cupboard
You use these to go from the ground floor to the first floor in a house.
In summer you turn it on when it’s hot.
an air conditioning
It’s in the kitchen. You cook on it. It can be gas or electric.
a cooker
This is on the floor. It decorates the room.
a carpet
A room where you sleep.
You can see yourself in it.
a mirror
it’s on a table or wall. You turn it on when it’s dark.
A lamp
It’s usually in a living room. It’s for one person to sit on. It’s very comfortable.
An armchair