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Adverbs of degree

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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they / really / couldn't / I / were / understand / talking / so / quickly
They were talking really quickly so I couldn't understand.
really / I'm / stay / today / going / inside / to / it's / hot
I'm going to stay inside today, it's really hot.
extremely / day / we've / an / had / busy
We've had an extremely busy day.
disappointed / I'm / surprised / failed / quite / that / the / exam / not / I / but
I'm quite disappointed that I failed the exam but I'm not surprised.
so / I've / quite / been / tired / working / hard / I'm / rather
I've been working quite/rather hard, so I'm quite/rather tired.
a / difficult / question / rather / that / was
That was rather a difficult question.
be / busy / careful / cross / extremely / roads / when / you
Be extremely careful when you cross busy roads.
is/ moving/ slowly/ the/ very/ traffic
The traffic is moving very slowly
exam / fairly / her / is / Mia / pass / she / sure/ will
Mia is fairly sure she will pass her exam
because/ coat/ cold/ forgotten / had / I / I / my / really / was
I was really cold because I had forgotten my coat