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Alcohol Baamboozle

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use of alcohol greatly __________ the chances of car crashes, homicides, or suicides
Alcohol can damage the heart, liver, and ____________ system.
Long term use of Alcohol can lead to what?
What are two social health consequences when drinking/doing drugs?
getting into fights, stealing, problems in school, lose of friends
When will your brain be fully develop?
Mid 20s
Why is alcohol considered a drug?
It alters the functions of your body
What is the legal age to purchase alcohol?
List 2 long term effects on the brain:
Examples -kills brain cells -memory loss -nervous system disorders
Alcohol and the liver: True or False - The liver acts as a filter, but can only process about 1 drink per hour.
TRUE or FALSE Alcohol consumption causes the kidneys to decrease urine output.
Which of these factors influence the effect alcohol has on a person? a) Weight b) Gender c) Food consumption d) Other drugs
All the above
What is Cirrhosis?
Scarring and eventual destruction of the liver from alcohol abuse
A progressive, chronic disease involving a mental and physical need for alcohol.
What does the acronym D.W.I. or D.U.I. stand for?
driving while intoxicated; driving under the influence
The legal limit for adults to be able to drive is ___ and below.
The ___ ___ ___ in a person will allow police or doctors to know how much alcohol a person consumed.
BAC -Blood Alcohol Content or BAL (Level)
If someone is passed out or unconscious, has pale or bluish skin, and is cold and clammy what might this be a sign of?
Alcohol Poisoning
What type of drug is alcohol?
What are the major factors that influence the use alcohol or drugs?
Peer Pressure, Family, Media
What are four types of alcohol?
beer, wine, cocktails (mixed drinks), hard liquor