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How do you feel?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's good for bruises / ache
ice pack
It's good to clean your hands
hand sanitizer
It's good for colds
cold pills / cold medicine
It's good for allergy and itching
It's good for sore throat and cough
cough drops
It's good for runny nose / nasal congestion / sneezing
nasal spray
It's good for headaches
It's good for dry eyes
eye drops
It's good for coughs
cough syrup
It's good for backache
muscle (rub) cream
It's good for heartburn
My solid waste is more liquid than usual...
I have diarrhea
I have a fever, a headache and my body is sore
I have the flu
I have a runny nose, a cough and I'm sneezing a lot...
I have a cold
I'm coughing a lot...
I have a cough
My eyes are red and dry...
I have dry eyes
I have a purple mark...
I have a bruise
My neck hurts...
I have a stiff neck
My skin is very red and itchy...
I have an allergy
My stomach/chest is burning...
I have a heartburn
My nose is vey wet...
I have a runny nose
The temperature of my body is very high...
I have a fever
My throat hurts...
I have a sore throat
My tooth hurts...
I have a toothache
My ear hurts...
I have an earache
My stomach hurts...
I have a stomachache
My back hurts...
I have a backache
My head hurts...
I have a headache