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Places and things in town

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do we go when we want to feed pigeons?
To the park
How do we call a really big building?
A skyscraper
Where do we go when we want to watch a film?
To the cinema
What is a center of a town called like? It's also the name of one of the shapes
It's a square
Where do we go when we want to see some old things?
to the museum
Where do we get money from?
From the bank
What do the street artists do to the audience that is watching them? It's start with letter E...
They entertain
How do we call a side of the road on which people can walk?
How do we call a people who watch a performance?
An audience
Synonym to word: amazing and wonderful starting with letter s... is?
How do you call a person that does not speak, but shows everything with gesture?
A mime
How do we call a big place where we go to buy some things?
A shopping centre
What do we call a group of people that play different instruments and sing?
A band.
How to say "artysta uliczny"?
street artist
How to say "występować" in English?
To perform
How to say "utalentowany" in English?
How to say "pozostać nieruchomo" in English?
stay still
What is this?
It's a bus stop
What is this?
cycle path
bus stop
What is this?
street lights
traffic jam
What is this?
It's a pedestrian crossing
What is this?
It's a fountain
How to say "żonglować" in English?
to juggle
How to say "Å‚awka" in English?
What is this?
It's a traffic jam
How do you call a person that paints pictures?
How do you call a person who does magic tricks?
mime artist
street dancer
Who is this person?
It's a street dancer
What is this place?
It's a castle.
What is this?
This is a rubbish bin.