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Context Clues - Ocean Themed

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the bolded word mean?
3. small amount of food
What does the bolded word mean?
1. skill
What does the bolded word mean?
2. where sky and water meet
What does the bolded word mean?
2. blow up
What does the bolded word mean?
1. to hunt for something
What does the bolded word mean?
1. funny
What does the bolded word mean?
3. under the rock
What does the bolded word mean?
1. fast
What does the bolded word mean?
3. stay away from
What does the bolded word mean?
2. flow of the water
What does the bolded word mean?
3. plant eaters
What does the bolded word mean?
1. have shells
What does the bolded word mean?
2. found in the sea
What does the bolded word mean?
2. very large
What does the bolded word mean?
3. you can eat them
What does the bolded word mean?
1. see through
What does the bolded word mean?
2. hides and waits
What does the bolded word mean?
3. blend in
What does the bolded word mean?
3. hunters
What does the bolded word mean?
2. watch out
What does the bolded word mean?
2. rushed