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Present Perfect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ivan has been a member of the gym FOR/SINCE 2010.
Ivan has been a member of the gym SINCE 2010.
She hasn't practised golf SINCE/FOR a long time.
She hasn't practised golf FOR a long time.
Have they YET/EVER watched a game of rugby?
Have they EVER watched a game of rugby ?
______ (she/finish) the race? Yes, she_____
Has she finished the race? Yes, she has.
_______(you/run) in a marathon? No, I_____
Have you run in a marathon? No, I haven't.
_________ (Judy and Lisa/ learn) how to ice skate? Yes, they______
Have Judy and Lisa learnt how to ice skate? Yes,they have.
___________________(Stan/try) kickboxing? No, he______
Has Stan tried kickboxing? No, he hasn't.
They ______(not/visit) any museums yet.
They haven't visited any museums yet.
Everyone in the family_____(eat) lots of local dishes so far.
Everyone in the family has eaten lots of local dishes so far.
Mr and Mrs Johnson _____(fly) in a helicopter.
Mr and Mrs Johnson have flown in a helicopter.
Dan, Lucy's brother, ______(go) snorkelling or diving before.
Dan, Lucy's brother, has gone snorkelling or diving before.
The Johnsons_____(be) to Barcelona for a week now.
The Johnsons have been to Barcelona for a week now.
His parents ________(see) all his matches so far.
His parents have seen all his matches so far.
He ______ (not/win) any tournaments yet.
He hasn't won any tournaments yet.
He ___________( join) a local football team.
He has joined a local football team.
His mother_________(suggest) he tries air hockey instead.
His mother has suggested he tries air hockey instead.
Brian________ (not/play) ice hockey since they moved to Leeds.
Brian hasn't played ice hockey since they moved to Leeds.