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Food Chains

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many links does a food chain always have?
There is no specific number. Trick question!
Mrs. H enjoys steak and potatoes as well as a delicious salad. This means that she is an...
Meg states that she is a vegetarian. This means that she is an....
Which is not like the others? Why? worm, bear, fox, frog
worm-That is a decomposer.
Which is not a consumer? deer, otter, rose bush, bird
rose bush
bacteria is a....
A vulture is an example of a....
Producers are able to make their own food through...
All food chains are possible and powered by the...
Bears eat salmon In this relationship, the bear is the...
Bears eat salmon In this relationship, the salmon is the...
A carnivore...
only eats meat
An omnivore...
eats both producers and other consumers
An herbivore....
only eats producers
Which type of organism gets energy from eating the remains of once living organisms?
Which type of organism gets energy from eating other living organisms?
Which type of organism gets energy from the sun?