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The female anglerfish carry the ...
The female anglerfish carry the males around. The males latch on to the females by biting them.
Did you know? Only the female anglerfish has ...
Did you know? Only the female anglerfish has the glowing lure on their heads.The male anglerfish is much smaller than the female.
How do male anglerfish follow the female anglerfish?
They latch on to them by biting them.
Which one is smaller? The female anglerfish or the male anglerfish?
The male anglerfish is much smaller than the female.
Who has a glowing lure? The female or male anglerfish?
Only the female anglerfish has a lure.
What do some people call blobfish?
The world's ugliest fish/animal
Where do blobfish live?
They also live very deep underwater (around 1200 meters below the ocean surface)
Why do you like anglerfish?
In what oceans do they live?
They live in the murky depths of the Atlantic and Antarctic oceans.
How many species of anglerfish are there?
There are more than 200 species of anglerfish.
How long was the biggest anglerfish ever discovered?
It was almost 2 meters long.
Finish the sentence.
... the size of a small car.
They can swallow prey ...
... as big as they are.
Anglerfish have ...
big mouths with sharp, pointy teeth
What's on the anglerfish's head?
a glowing lure
Where does the anglerfish live?
very deep in the ocean