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Adding Decimals/Fractions

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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4/10 + 3/100 ______ 1/10 + 32/100
1/2 ____ 0.48
0.65 = _____ (fraction)
8/10 = ____/100
19/100 + 2/10 + 21/100 = ?
8/10 + 45/100= ?
1 25/100
Liz trains for rock climbing 4 days a week. Day 1= 0.09 km, Day 2= 0.1 km, Day 3= 0.11 km, Day 4= 0.07 km. Did Liz climb farther on the first two days or the last two days?
First two days
49/100 + 9/10 = ?
1 39/100
______ + 0.08 = 0.72
Mrs. H finished 4/10 of her weekly lessons. Mrs. Altom finished 0.34 of her lesson plans. Mrs. Beverly finished 0.27 more than Mrs. Holmes. How much have they finished all together?
1 41/100
4/100 + ____/10 = 0.84
3/10 + ____/100 = 63/100
33/100 or 0.33
0.56 + 3/10 = ?
0.86 or 86/100
0.5 + 3/10 = ?
8/10 or 0.8
2/10 + 3/10 = ?
9/100 + 8/10 = ?