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Jobs and animal myths

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Who is he?
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computer programmer
Who is he?
Elephants can't jump.
FACT! Imagine an elephant jumping !
Bulls get angry by seeing the color red.
MYTH! Bulls get triggered by movement not colors.
A shrimp's heart is located in it's head.
FACT! Weird but very true.
Male seahorse can't get pregnant.
MYTH! Seahorse men definitely give birth.
Crocodiles are cry babies.
FACT! The glands that keep their eyes moist is by their throats so when they swallow their food whole it sets off tears.
Elephants are scared of mice.
MYTH! They just have poor eye sight and move slow so they get scared sometimes when something small and fast crosses them.
Bats are blind.
MYTH! Bats have small eyes and sensitive vision that allows them to see better in the dark than we can sometimes.
Dogs are color blind. Fact or Myth?
MYTH! Dogs can't see as many colors as humans but they can see shades of blue, yellow, and grey.